NH State Representative Tom Cormen

My votes in the NH House session
of February 13, 2025

This was my first session day of the biennium for voting on bills, as I had missed the February 6 session while quarantining with COVID. I was prepared to lose many votes, and indeed we did.

Bill Motion Type of vote My vote Result of vote Notes
HB 238-FN Indefinitely Postpone Roll call Yea Indefinitely Postpone 200-180
HB 346-FN OTP Division Nay 183-185 ITL on voice vote
HB 127-FN OTP Division Nay OTP 198-180
HB 174 OTP Division Nay 188-190 ITL on voice vote
HB 203 ITL Roll call Nay ITL 215-162
Suspend rules Roll call Nay 199-176 Requires 2/3 vote; see below
HB 332 ITL Roll call Nay ITL 196-171
HB 334-FN ITL Roll call Nay ITL 199-171
HB 422-FN ITL Roll call Nay ITL 196-175
SB 4 OTP Voice Yea OTP
HB 55 OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
HB 64 OTP Voice Yea OTP
HCR 8 OTP Division Nay OTP 250-123
HCR 9 OTP Roll call Nay OTP 204-163
HR 11 OTP Division Yea OTP 328-41
HB 201-FN ITL Division Nay ITL 191-177
HB 369-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA

HB 238-FN

Yet another “Right to Work” bill. We defeated HB 1377-FN last year, and a similar bill came back.

To repeat what I wrote last year:

If only some of the workers at a company are union members, the non-members also pay a fee to cover the expense of collective bargaining and contract maintenance. On the face of it, that might seem unfair: why should someone not in a union pay for the union? The answer is that they are receiving the benefits of being in the union.

This bill would have made it so that non-members don’t pay a fee, so that they would be free riders.

Once again, Rep. Dan LeClerc delivered a terrific floor speech. But it came after Republican Rep. Stephen Pearson moved to Indefinitely Postpone the bill and spoke against the bill. Enough Republicans supported unions and voted with the Democrats to kill the bill.

Suspend rules

This was an unscheduled motion to suspend the rules so that we could impeach the magistrate who let the stabbing perpetrator in Manchester go free. Although the motion received a majority, it fell short of the 2/3 majority required to pass. Various facts about the case were not publicized. I wish I could go into more detail, but I’m writing this description several weeks later, and my memory is not clear. If you want to talk to me about this vote, I’m willing to go back and listen to the debate.

HB 201-FN

Like HB 231-FN from 2023, this bill would prohibit declawing cats. I don’t care for cats any more than I did two years ago when I voted against declawing, and once again I voted against declawing. Declawing a cat is like cutting off your fingertips at the last knuckle.