Although Nicole’s service to Lebanon inspires me, running for the New Hampshire House of Representatives was not originally in my retirement plans. With redistricting, Lebanon’s four representatives went from all being elected at-large (throughout the entire City) to one for each of the three wards and one at-large. None of the four incumbent representatives lived in Ward 3. Our State Senator, Sue Prentiss, asked me to run and represent Ward 3. After consulting with several current and former state representatives and other trusted friends, I agreed to do so. Over the summer and fall of 2022, I went door to door throughout Ward 3, meeting voters and hearing your concerns. The issues I usually brought up were reproductive rights, voting rights, education funding, responsible gun ownership, and the environment and renewable energy. Not every voter agreed with me on every issue, which came as no surprise. I won the election in November, and I count my opponent in the election, Nick Mouzourakis, as a friend.