NH State Representative Tom Cormen

My votes in the NH House session
of May 23, 2024

We continued voting on Senate bills. Overall, we had a pretty good day.

Bill Motion Type of vote My vote Result of vote Notes
SB 558-FN Table Division Yea Table 325-32
SB 418-FN OTP Roll call Yea 101-253 ITL passed on voice vote; I voted Nay
SB 340 OTPA Division Nay OTPA 186-176
CACR 22 OTP Roll call Nay 195-165 Requires 60% to pass
SB 373 OTP Voice Yea OTP
SB 440 Table Division Yea Table 224-137
SB 134-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 217-FN-A ITL Roll call Nay ITL 184-174
SB 311-FN-A-LOCAL OTPA Division Yea OTPA 317-45
SB 337-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 352-FN-A OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 355-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 369-FN OTP Voice Yea OTP
SB 393-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 396-FN-A OTP Voice Yea OTP
SB 403-FN OTP Roll call Yea OTP 241-22
SB 404-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 406-FN-A OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 409-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 417-FN OTPA Roll call Yea OTPA 361-3
SB 453-FN-A Interim Study Voice Yea Interim Study
SB 455-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 456-FN OTP Division Yea 178-182 ITL passed on voice vote; I voted Nay
SB 463-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 476-FN OTPA Roll call Yea OTPA 212-155
SB 499-FN OTPA Division Yea OTPA 235-136
SB 553-FN OTPA Division Yea 176-190 Interim Study passed on voice vote; I voted Yea
SB 567-FN Table Division Yea Table 302-54
SB 591-FN-A OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 596-FN ITL Division Nay ITL 187-178
SB 604-FN-A OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 503 OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 402 OTPA Division Yea OTPA 231-135
SB 411-FN OTP Voice Yea OTP
SB 419-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 461 ITL Division Yea ITL 201-164
SB 505 OTP Roll call Yea OTP 242-124
SB 559-FN OTPA Division Yea OTPA 192-171
SB 330-FN OTP Voice Yea OTP
SB 431 OTPA Roll call Yea OTPA 214-148
SB 527 OTP Division Yea OTP 199-154
SB 358-FN ITL Roll call Yea ITL 176-174
SB 469 OTP Voice Yea OTP
SB 501 OTP Roll call Yea OTP 181-169
SB 510 OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 485-FN OTPA Roll call Nay OTPA 175-169
SB 543 OTP Division Yea OTP 172-168

SB 418-FN

I note this bill because I voted against the party’s recommendation of ITL. (My seatmate, Paige Beauchemin, agreed with and voted the same way.) The bill would have doubled the length of license suspension for a first-offense refusal to take a chemical test for impaired driving, from six months to a full year. The Department of Safety supported this bill because our current refusal rate of 70% is nearly double the national average; people consider refusing the test the “smart way to go.” The argument against increasing the suspension length is the hardship that ensues when someone loses their driving privileges. Paige and I agreed that the hardship should not be an excuse for driving while impaired. We lost the vote, and I was a bit surprised to see more Republicans vote against the bill than for it.


This proposed constitutional amendment would enshrine our “first in the nation” status in the state constitution. I’m fine with it being a law, but a constitution is about the organization of the government and the rights of the people. It’s not about how political parties conduct their business. The amendment garnered a majority vote, but not the 60% necessary.

SB 440

This bill would have allowed optometrists to perform certain surgical procedures that currently only opthamologists may perform. The motivation is that access to opthamologists in rural areas, especially Coos County, is a problem. As you can imagine, we received a ton of email on this bill, from optometrists who supported it, and from opthamologists who opposed it. I voted for the motion to Table because the training that optometrists would get for these procedures is insufficent.

This bill would come back the next week as an amendment that the Senate attached to HB 1410.