NH State Representative Tom Cormen

My votes in the NH House session
of May 9, 2024

This was not a particularly good day for the Democrats. We were outnumbered and lost several key votes.

Bill Motion Type of vote My vote Result of vote Notes
HB 398 Concur Voice Yea Concur
HB 1060 Concur Voice Yea Concur
SB 592-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 459-FN OTPA Roll call Yea OTPA 270-94
SB 537-FN Indefinitely Postpone Division Nay Indefinitely Postpone 187-179
SB 63 OTP Roll call Nay OTP 186-180 See discussion below
SB 349 OTPA Division Yea OTPA 338-28
SB 185-FN ITL Division Nay ITL 188-171
SB 413-FN OTPA Division Nay OTPA 188-178 See discussion below
SB 422 Indefinitely Postpone Division Nay Indefinitely Postpone 187-178 See discussion below
SB 462 OTP Division Yea OTP 191-174 OTP motion followed motion to Indefinitely Postpone, which failed on division 175-187; I voted Nay
SB 507-FN OTP Division Yea OTP 190-170 See discussion below
SB 576 OTP Roll call Nay OTP 182-180 See discussion below
SB 383-FN OTPA Roll call Nay OTPA 184-177
SB 532-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
SB 387-FN Table Division Nay Table 187-168
SB 589-LOCAL OTP Voice Yea OTP
SB 432-FN ITL Division Nay ITL 296-60
SB 574 OTPA Roll call Yea OTPA 352-7
SB 426 OTP Division Nay OTP 194-160
SB 508-FN OTPA Division Yea OTPA 210-143
SB 481 ITL Division Nay ITL 194-154

SB 537-FN

This bill would have allowed municipal clerks to start processing, but not counting, ballots before Election Day, allowing voters to cure any errors that they may have made.

SB 63

This bill curtails the authority of municipal public health officers and limits the ability of towns and cities to enact ordinances in response to public health threats. It had been tabled a week earlier, but the Republicans had the votes to remove it from the table (185-180) and pass it.

SB 413

The underlying bill was good. It creates a private right of civil action for PFAS contamination. The problem was that the committee amendment tacked on HB 1115, the bill that allows a landlord to evict a tenant when the lease ends, rather than only for just cause. The amendment passed by a single vote, that vote being Speaker Sherm Packard. Once the amendment passed, we wanted the amended bill to fail, but it passed.

SB 422

This one was a bit of a mess. The underlying bill changes language in parentage and birth records to allow for non-traditional families. But the bill had an amendment that added in both HB 1115 (see above) and HB 1412, which removes the requirement for court reporters to be licensed. HB 1412 passed the House, but the Senate voted ITL, and this was an attempt to bring it back. I actually voted for HB 1412 the first time around, against the wishes of my party. Anyway, first there was a motion to Table this bill, which failed on a division vote, 136-228 (I voted Nay). Then, after a good committee amendment passed, the amendment that included HB 1115 and HB 1412, failed on a division vote, 181-183 (I voted Nay). Another motion to Table failed. And then a motion from the Republicans to Indefinitely Postpone passed on a division vote, 187-178 (I voted Nay). So we lost that one.

SB 507-FN

This bill extends the time to petition for a new trial from three years to indefinitely for any felony conviction or class A misdemeanor in which there was newly discovered evidence, new or additional forensic testing, or new scientific understanding that would have been material for the fact finder. The committee motion for Interim Study failed on a division vote, 172-182 (I voted Nay). An amendment that would have weakened the bill also failed. Finally, after Rep. Zoe Manos delived a laser-focused floor speech, the OTP motion passed.

SB 576

This bill, about reporting the death of voters, is unnecessary. Even the Secretary of State thinks so. And it almost went down. The committee motion of ITL failed on a roll call vote, 179-179 (I voted Yea), with Deputy Speaker Steven Smith casting the deciding vote. A motion to Table failed by one vote, 180-181 (I voted Yea, hoping that we could bring back the ITL motion at a future time). And then the OTP motion passed by two votes on a roll call, 182-180.

SB 432-FN

I note this bill only because I was one of the few votes on the losing side. The bill would have licensed Advanced Deposit Wagering for creating and depositing funds for betting on live horse racing. It seemed like an OK idea to me, though I certainly (ahem) do not have a horse in the race.