NH State Representative Tom Cormen

My votes in the NH House sessions
of February 22-23, 2023

Bill Motion Type of vote My vote Result of vote
HB 459-FN ITL Voice Yea ITL
HB 531-FN ITL Voice Yea ITL
HB 639-FN-A OTPA Division Nay OTPA 234-127
HB 504-FN OTP Voice Yea OTP
HB 272-FN OTPA Division Yea OTPA 348-11
HB 492-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
HB 250-FN OTP Roll call Yea OTP 260-103
HB 436-FN-LOCAL OTPA Roll call Yea OTPA 282-80
HB 571-FN-A OTP Division Yea OTP 192-167
HB 282-FN-A OTPA Division Yea OTPA 186-170
HB 565-FN-A OTPA Roll call Yea OTPA 184-179
HB 574-FN-A ITL Division Nay ITL 185-179
HB 614-FN OTPA Voice Yea OTPA
HB 57-FN ITL Voice Nay ITL
HB 74-FN OTP Roll call Yea OTP 187-174
HB 489-FN-A ITL Roll call Yea ITL 190-171
HB 212-FN-A OTP Voice Yea OTP
HB 276-FN-A OTPA Division Yea OTPA 199-160
HB 534-FN-A OTP Division Yea OTP 179-177
HB 108 OTP Division Nay OTP 214-143
HB 124 OTP Division Nay OTP 179-178
HB 151 OTP Division Yea OTP 199-155
HB 97-FN OTP Voice Yea OTP
HB 160 ITL Division Nay ITL 223-129
HB 191 ITL Roll call Nay ITL 237-121
HB 201-FN OTP Division Yea OTP 190-165
HB 581-FN ITL Roll call Yea ITL 286-70
HB 643-FN-A ITL Voice Yea ITL
HB 35 OTPA Roll call Yea OTPA 238-105
HB 45 ITL Roll call Yea ITL 312-43
HB 131 ITL Voice Yea ITL
HB 601-FN-LOCAL OTPA Division Yea OTPA 205-151
HB 196 Table Division Yea Table 339-7
HB 252 OTPA Roll call Yea OTP 266-84
HB 180 Table Voice Yea Table
HB 338-FN ITL Roll call Nay ITL 283-61
CACR 6 OTP Roll call Yea OTP 321-27
HB 63 ITL Division Yea ITL 189-158
HB 240 OTP Division Yea OTP 218-132
HB 254 ITL Voice Nay ITL
HB 256 ITL Voice Yea ITL
HB 308 OTPA Division Yea OTPA 222-127
HB 44 ITL Division Yea ITL 209-141
HB 123 OTP Roll call Nay OTP fails 168-176, bill tabled on voice vote
HB 226 ITL Roll call Nay ITL 257-90
HB 312 Table Division Yea Table 316-30
HB 357 Table Roll call Nay Table 177-162
HB 403 ITL Division Yea ITL 200-144
HB 20 OTP Roll call Yea OTP 356-4
HB 310 ITL Voice Yea ITL
HCR 1 ITL Division Yea ITL 198-150
HR 8 ITL Roll call Nay ITL 198-150
HR 9 ITL Division Yea ITL 176-169
HR 10 ITL Division Nay ITL 179-168
HR 15 ITL Voice Yea ITL
HB 111 OTP Division Yea OTP 175-172
HB 430 OTP Division Yea OTP 176-169
HR 7 OTP Roll call Yea OTP 333-12
HB 234 OTP Roll call Yea OTP 177-167
HB 498 ITL Roll call Yea ITL 233-113
HB 598 Table Voice Yea Table
HR 16 ITL Roll call Yea ITL 283-60

HB 639-FN-A

HB 639-FN-A, which would legalize cannabis, with restrictions, passed on a division vote of 234-127. The bill allows limited home cultivation, legal possession for those over 21, municipalities limiting or prohibiting locations selling cannabis products, and a 15% tax on revenue to commercial cultivators. All of our neighboring states have moved toward legal cannabis and are reaping the benefits of cannabis sales. Yet, despite my initials (THC), I voted against this bill. I had two reasons. First, I lived in the Santa Cruz area during the late 1970s and early 1980s. There was a lot of marijuana around, and I availed myself of it nearly every day, as did many of my close friends. Frankly, it made us stupid. That includes me, and it includes several of my friends who had raw intelligence but were limited by their frequent pot smoking. What we were smoking was “dirt weed,” and it was nothing compared with how potent today’s cannabis products are. My other reason for voting against HB 639 (and why was this bill not assigned HB 420?) is that there is no reliable roadside test for cannabis. I am concerned about cannabis-impaired driving and how difficult it is to prosecute. It is unclear what fate awaits HB 639 in the Senate or on the governor’s desk.

HB 44

HB 44 aims to help alleviate the state’s housing shortage by allowing homeowners in areas served by public water and sewer to convert their homes into duplexes, triplexes, or fourplexes. It was defeated in a roll call vote, 209-141. Most, but not all, Democrats voted for it, and most, but not all, Republicans voted against. I was torn on this bill, to the point that I did not decide how I was going to vote until the Speaker announced that our 30-second clock for voting was starting. I ended up voting against it, and I am catching flak for doing so. I understand, and I do not begrudge anyone for being disappointed in how I voted. As a representative, I have to make some tough calls that are going to displease constituents. I based my “no” vote on two factors. First, I thought about the neighbor who would see a fourplex spring up next door. I used to vacation on Long Beach Island on the New Jersey shore, where I saw house after house scraped and replaced by something considerably larger, much to the chagrin of the neighbors. Second, and my main reason for voting against this bill, was that I thought about Lebanon. As you surely know, our City has borne the brunt of new housing in the Upper Valley for a long time. Our surrounding communities (cough Hanover cough) have simply not stepped up to the plate to provide housing to anywhere near the degree that Lebanon has. Had HB 44 passed and become law, I did not see the surrounding communities creating much housing and Lebanon bearing the brunt of the conversions.

As I mentioned, I had a hard time deciding how to vote on this bill. We all understand the need for more housing in the state. Moreover, I have tremendous respect for the sponsor of this bill, Rep. Rebecca McWilliams, who is a terrific colleague of mine on the Science, Technology and Energy committee and has done an outstanding job as Interim Ranking Member. There is a Special Committee on Housing in the NH House this year (including Rep. Josh Adjutant from Enfield), and I hope that they will put forth some bills that gain wide support.

HB 489-FN-A

HB 489-FN-A would have established a tourism fund for the counties of New Hampshire. Sorry, but I just could not imagine ads saying “Come visit Grafton County,” “Come visit Sullivan County,” “Come visit Merrimack County,” etc.

HB 63

HB 63 seems innocuous enough: section I reads “No zoning ordinance or local land use regulation shall prohibit, regulate, or restrict the use of land or structures based solely on the religious nature of the use.” But I’m not keen on exempting religious organizations from zoning laws.

HR 9

HR 9 calls upon the federal government to create an “American Marshall Plan.” Several expensive acts have passed in Washington lately to shore up our nation’s infrastructure. I believe that we should see the results of the money already committed before committing another huge sum.


HCR 1 would have included New Hampshire among the states calling for an Article V Constitutional Convention. Such a convention would be to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. I can think of plenty of amendments that I’d like to see ratified (for example, the Equal Rights Amendment, enshrining full reproductive rights for women, and overturning Citizens United), but just because I’d like to see certain amendments, that does not mean those are the amendments that would come out of a constitutional convention. I am concerned that because red states have outsize power compared with their populations, the amendments that would come out of the convention would be counter to those that I’d like. Hence, I voted against this resolution, which was defeated in a division vote, 198-150.